One day I wrote about 1500 words!
Chapter 14: This is the gating item that kept me from posting this status update at the actual end of the month. I still haven't finished it and posted it.
Ch 15: did a draft.
Also, I meant to finished taking up chapter 3 but never got around to it.
Critted 8
Got back 5
Celtic Gang Girls of the 70’s (Rowan and me). This finishing on this was insane, but it’s over now. So many danglers! So many seams! This took just over a year and a half.
FI Corset belt. Started month with 1.5 inches done. Moved this to the “hard” project bag after finishing Celtic Girl Gangs, and… well. It’s black on dark blue, and the pattern I was knitting in was basically invisible. The bottom was curling because I didn’t do purl-when-you-can. The dark blue yarn I’m using is a mess. So, I plan to rip it out and started over. Haven't done that yet however.
Drachen (knitty Fall 2018). Started the month with 11 inches of body, which is close to the divide for armholes. There was an error in the pattern at the front neckhole divide, and the designer compounded the error in correcting, I think, so I just knitted it to look like the picture. I’m a couple of inches past the divide now, still wondering if I’ll run out of yarn.
Boomerang socks (New directions in sock knitting). Started these while I was thinking about what to do about the FI corset belt (above). A really nice, fun pattern. I finished one sock and started the next. Also wondering if I’ll run out of yarn.