LHC #233: "The Shifter" by Janice Hardy. I read her writing advice website regularly, so I thought I should maybe read an actual book to find out if she was worth it. Oh my, the voice of this book grabbed me immediately. The worldbuilding seemed shady but the voice was solid. It wasn't very subtle, but I might not be the target audience.
LHC #234: "Ragnarok: The End of the Gods" by A. S. Byatt. At this point with my library account, I'm just guessing. I know there was something by Byatt there? I suspect there was. I did not know what to make of this book. Strange, but it worked.
LHC #235: "Babel: or the necessity of Violence" by R.F. Kuang. I read The Poppy War back in 2020. I'm not sure why I didn't read the sequels. They're on my list now. I had started this just before the controversy broke about worldcon, and you know, China comes off fine in this book. Or, I mean it seems that way to me anyway. I was glad they used the tools they had, at the end. Good read.