LHC #143: "Gamechanger" by LX Beckett. I found it hard to connect to any of the characters, but it moved right along so that wasn't a problem.
LHC #144: "Company Town" by Madeline Ashby. I read one of her sentient robot books before, and quite enjoyed it. I also met her a couple of times at cons and the like, she seems fine.
LHC #145: "Magic in Islam" by Michael Muhammad Knight. Really interesting. I would have gotten more out of it probably if I knew anything of history or Islam. The introduction was my favorite part, but then it got interesting again towards the end.
LHC #146: "True Grit" by Charles Portis. I love westerns. This is an amazing read. I keep talking about it to people.
LHC #147: "A portrait of the addict as a young man" by Bill Clegg. Memoirs about addiction seem easier somehow to get through than books where it's a character flaw in a larger fiction. I wonder why. One of the MCs in Persephone has a history of addiction (okay two characters, maybe three) and I suppose I put this on my list as research. It was extremely readable.