LHC #135: "Days by Moonlight" by Andre Alexi. This is the most unpleasantly formatted ebook I've ever read. But on the plus side, that means I'm much more familiar with ebook settings now.
About halfway through, the POV character mentioned that he was black, and I thought to myself, well, that would have been a useful thing to know 100 pages ago, so I googled the author, and I guess most people who read this book will have a little bit more of a clue why they're reading it than I did.
Trashy romance novel by my friend Heather. That's how she described it, not the title. It was very fun.
LHC #136: "Seven Surrenders" by Ada Palmer. I read the first book in this series 22 months ago and was a little bit worried that I wouldn't be able to remember what came before. She managed this really well.
LHC #137: "Petty Treason" by Madeleine Robins. Another book with only one copy in the system. Although it says something crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the cover, I experienced no vampires. Or demons.