I was sitting listening to music and knitting last night, and I
realized I missed having Infinite Jest to read. WTF! I was suddenly sad because
I’ll never know more about the Incandenza family. I was working on Ocracoke, of
course, the sweater that always makes me cry when I work on it. What is with
this depressing sweater!
“The Girl with all the Gifts” by MR Carey. My
sister gave it to me for Christmas, saying she’d started it, but it was too
much squick for her, though it would be fine for me. Apparently it’s been made
into a movie, which knowing me I’ll never see. The story moved along really
fast, which made me less notice the occasional thing about the world that I
thought didn’t quite make sense, but the characters were absolutely fantastic.
I am forcing this book on my reading group (a.k.a., my family).
“Cirque du Freak” by Darren Shan. I think I listened to a podcast that had him in it, or
some otherwise thing, maybe an interview or a chat. This would have been last
year, probably in November. I’d set this to active, then accidentally wound up
with Infinite Jest, then set it to Inactive again because there was no way
another book was going to happen. Anyway, this was good, it moved right along
and I could barely put it down. But there’s something weird about the default
middle-grade voice. It’s like the author comes through a little too much and
can’t help moralizing.
“Akira volume 2” by Katsuhiro Otomo. So I guess I’ll be reading six of these.
I'm kind of giddy that I've actually read a book already by this year's Nobel Prize for Literature winner! Go me!