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Showing posts from January, 2005


Today I am at home with a sick boy. Well, not so sick now. He's feeling much better. The last time he threw up was around midnight, so I think tomorrow he can go back to school. However, I am missing my team leader's goodbye lunch. Her last day is tomorrow. The other writer in the group is off with a sick child as well. I don't think the illnesses have anything to do with each other. On to knitting. I suppose it happens to everybody, but I'm sick of all the projects I'm working on. I can't start another project, because then I would have four projects really far from completion. Sometimes it makes sense to start something small and finish it just to boost my ego, and sometimes it doesn't. Right now is a doesn't. Way back in February of 2003, I bought this kit: Peacock shawl by Dorothy Siemens, Fiddlesticks I bought it to participate in a lace-along on KBTH. I did the swatch. I finally started the knitting back in December. I'm on row 137 o...


I read a lot of fantasy literature. Right now I'm reading "Assassin's Quest" by Robin Hobb. It's really good, but I have a pet peeve. DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOW WHAT ERSTWHILE MEANS? Look it up, for god's sake. Erstwhile means "former". When you write, on p. 149, "while my erstwile king sleeps..." and he's the antagonist, and has the crown on his head because he cheated his brother and killed his father, it's not the "former" king you're talking about. He's the king presumptive, maybe in this case. You might as well say he's an impostor or pretender, but he's not erstwhile. I don't blame Robin Hobb. Tons of people do this in fantasy. I blame the copy editors. Thus ends today's rant. I feel better now.