"The Cartographers" by Peng Shepherd. This fantasy novel about maps was definitely written just for me. And maybe also for my sister who bought it for me for Christmas but didn't have a chance to read it before she gave it to me. I went to a hoop class and was reading it in the waiting area, and one of my classmates asked what I was so engrossed in, and I totally shilled for it. LHC #197: "The final revival of Opal and Nev" by Dawnie Walton. I few days ago I was watching a political pundit being interviewed on the news presumably in her home or office, and she had this book on her shelf. Anyway, it started off like far too many things I've read lately, but took an interesting turn. There's a great scene where one character tells another "so, you got me fired from my dream job" and the other one doesn't really care. LHC #198: "The View from the Ground" by Martha Gellhorn. No idea why this was on the list, but it's interestin...
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