"The Calculating Stars" by Mary Robinette Kowal. Got it for Christmas last year. Very readable. As much as I don't want to like MRK (sometimes seems kind of sanctimonious?), I kind of have to. This book is a delight, though there should have been a trigger warning for all the puking. I forced it on Ed when I was done, and he liked it too. LHC #196: " Mad World: An Oral History of New Wave Artists and Songs That Defined the 1980s" by Lori Majewski and Jonathan Bernstein. eBook. I made great use of Spotify while reading this, it's really fun. Though there are almost no references to drugs and alcohol. I guess it's about the music? "Elatsoe" by Darcie Little Badger. Hard copy, last of the books I got for Christmas last year. I need to let go of my whole past-perfect thing I guess. This was a great, fast read. "Terciel and Elinor" by Garth Nix. I will read anything set in the Abhorsen universe. The boy gave it to me for Christmas. ...
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