Wind/Water/Salt Chapters 31-51: Need to take up comments and revise. Synopsis: Maybe I should post it for comments. Had a glimmering of what to do with Fairfax next. Persephone (probably not its real name): I was thinking about my friend's romance novel, where there were some flaws but some things she totally nailed, like the structural expectation of three sex scenes, each with a different emotion going in/out. Then I realized that if this story is a romance novel, then I'd just written the first of those three sex scenes. One of my MCs is ace, so there's not actually sex though. Short Stories: In order to have something for other people to crit, I pulled something out of the trunk. Everything always takes longer than I think it will! I didn't get through it. Critted 9 Got back 2 Submissions 0 Out there 0 Rejects 0 Knitting Anna Maria (Faroe Island Knits...
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