Wind/Water/Salt While editing Chapter 43, I realized there was no way to explain from where Preston (POV character) was what Abigail was up to, and how she managed to do it, so I broke that chapter in half and stuck another chapter in the middle. So then I had 50 chapters, maybe 51? Then I read to the end, and deleted Chapter 46, and broke 47 into three. This made it possible for the characters to behave in anything like a consistent way. I don't even know how many chapters there really are anymore. Maybe 53? Chapters 26-27: Took up comments. Chapters 29-42: Need to take up comments and revise. Chapter 43 (including 43.1): Finished and posted. Chapter 44-(end): Read and revised. Persephone (probably not its real name): I got to the part of my library reading list that had a lot of research books for this, which put me in the headspace again. This is the most musically motivated thing I've written, I think. Other people post ...
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