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Showing posts from August, 2020

In Process: July 2020

Wind/Water/Salt Chapter 23 - 30: Need to be taken up.    Chapter 31 - 34: Finished and posted (in two batches).  Chapter 35 - 37: I had read last month. This month I broke two of these chapters in half, making things I currently call 40.1 and 40.2. But I might get rid of 35, so everything could shift up?  Chapter 38 - 41: Read all but 41 a couple of times, smoothed things out, aligned them with the way things currently unfold.  Persephone (probably not its real name)  2K words.  Short Story I wrote a few drafts of a steampunk story back in 2016, but then I became uncomfortable with where I had taken it and put it away. Then last month I read "Who was changed and who was dead" by Barbara Comyns, which had a lot of head-hopping. And I decided I wanted to head-hop a story. There was a really good reason to head-hop in this steampunk story, so I started another draft. I also thought about other ones. Not really productive, though.   Connecting...

What I Read -- July 2020

"Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness" by Susannah Cahalan. Recommended by my sister. I accidentally got the audio book out of the library.  "Mozart's Starling" by Lyanda Lynn Haupt. Terry Windling recommended this one on her blog. I really appreciated the end notes being properly linked for a change. My favorite starling fact I learned is that the reason my dad (who owned a small plane) passionately hated starlings was because a flock of them had taken down an aircraft at Logan in 1960.  LHC #85: "Your duck is my duck" by Deborah Eisenberg. Short stories, much more about character than plot. Really rich. I should read more of her.  LHC #86: "Music, sense and nonsense: collected essays and lectures" by Alfred Brendel. Physical library book! I know nothing about piano and a lot of this was over my head so I had to make a schedule in order to finish it.  I used Spotify to play him while I listened, which maybe helped? I don't know.  Canad...