“The Magician King” by Lev Grossman. So I could finish the series. It’s a heist story! I liked how he handled time, POV, and backstory in this one. It was smooth. This series hit a sweet spot for me. I guess I read the same things as LG growing up. “In the Labyrinth of Drakes” by Marie Brennan. Well, I thought I might as well just finish this series off too! Ed got it for his birthday. “A Darker Shade of Magic” by V.E. Schwab. I finished the previous book on Christmas, but we weren’t giving out gifts until the 27 th , so I was left with nothing to read (we’d gone away, and my sister’s house isn’t exactly filled with the sort of thing I might choose to read). I asked the boy for an early Christmas present, but he said he’d only do a trade, and I hadn’t gotten him any suitable trading item (lesson for next year), so I asked my sister, and she went and hunted under the tree and gave me this. It was on my list. V.E.Schwab might be my new favorite author. There weren’t any unn...
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