First Draft “Lucky Kate”. Finished a draft again. “Succubus (Younger Men)”. Wrote a short story. Just got tired of it towards the end, though. “Evening Glory”. Started, afraid it will get too long to be a short story. Editing “Wind/Water/Salt ”. I’m up in the Chapter 12 range now. On the second draft I’d written in one of my action scenes, “needs more tension!” This was fun. I deleted huge chunks of exposition and added actual action. Win! To some extent I think all this editing is improving my first drafts, because I find myself avoiding writing down those “maybe he was…” sections in the first place, rather than deleting them later. There was this article: which I found fascinating as a process. Not sure it would work for me, but I wonder if I need to rethink the page-a-day, since so many of those pages are crap. Connecting -- Circulating 2 It...
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