First Draft “Limering”. Now around 30,000 words. Not sure where it’s going. I mean, I know the story, but the worldbuilding is weak. This has happened before, so I’m not worried. Clearly the second draft is where the magic happens. Editing “Wind/Water/Salt”. Read the whole damn thing with pen in hand. This actually went better than I expected, once I got a plan together. About 11 days from the end of the month I realized I was averaging one chapter per day, and that wasn’t going to cut it, with 47 chapters. So, I made a schedule – realistic, with days I could read a lot, and other days I could read just a little. Getting through it meant I could throw out the handwritten stuff. I deleted the really repetitive bits I mentioned last month and used up some notes I’d made whilst typing. As usual I found myself trying to move more and more things forward in the story, and revised chapter 1. Then I switched chapter 2 and chapter 1, and now I think I have a start at ...
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