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Showing posts from March, 2006

Change of plans

Well, I finished the Jade gloves, but the hat wasn't going so well after four starts so I've given it a time out. I won't be wearing a hat for about eight months, anyway. But I'll be able to wear this soon... Victoria Tank Yep, it's the Victoria Tank by Veronik Avery from IK Summer 2004. I'm using Jaeger Siena in Marshmallow. I just finished the first ball of five, just finished the seventh pattern repeat. I'm not sure if it's the yarn I love, or the pattern, or just the fact that it's not that frigging Jade hat. Or Sigyn. Or Selbu to Sahara. Maybe it's that I bought the perfect pale pink tank top to wear under it last week.

Two months

I'm at work so I'll be brief. In two months, I didn't post at all. However, I finished Jade and Manhattan. I like them both. I wear them a lot. They both fit pretty well. My concerns about Manhattan coming out really large did not happen. The cast-on edges stopped rolling after I blocked it. Manhattan and Jade  Jade's armholes are too large, but I know what I did wrong, so I'm itching to start another top-down set-in-sleeve sweater so I can try it out. Very wearable. I've started gloves to fraternally match it, and then I'm going to do a hat. And then I'll probably send it all to IK. Okay, I have to say what the problem was. You know how when you knit the front and back of a sweater, the armhole goes up to the top of your shoulder? Well, when I calculated the armhole, I forgot that, and I used the number that should have been the height of the armhole as the depth of the sleeve cap. So my sleeve cap is 2.5 inches taller than it should be, and the armhole...