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What I read - Feb 2025

LHC #286:  "The Best of R. A. Lafferty".  Hard copy, because there are only two copies in the system and no e-copies, and I don't want the thing to happen anymore where I have books on my list that I never get to read because the one copy in circulation disappears.  Short stories, and as such some worked better for me than others. Stylistically very different than what I'm used to.  LHC #287:  "The Dervish House" by Ian McDonald.  Hard copy for the same reason as above. Challenging, worth the effort. I kept feeling like other things I've read are in conversation with this, and I never knew what the conversation was about until now.  LHC #288:  "My Heart is a Chainsaw" by Stephen Graham Jones. eBook. I was nervous because I haven't seen that many horror movies, but that turned out not to be an issue. There were two characters, Holmes and Hardy, and one scene they were both in where I didn't notice that the second one was there for like s...
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In progress: Feb 2025

  Wind/Water/Salt  Chapters 39-51:   Nothing.  Persephone  (probably not its real name): Nothing.  Short Stories:  Finished a story, posted it on the workshop. Pulled another one out of the backlog.  Critted  4  Got back  3 Submissions  0  Out there   0   Rejects   0 Knitting Hamilton  (Self). Started the month with maybe 30 more rows to be done with that first sleeve. I will always be knitting this sleeve.  Sulaire  (Alice Starmore). Started the month with 10cm done of the front. Finished that, now I'm on the first sleeve.  Willow  (Joan Ho). Started the month almost to the armholes. Finished the back and front, did the shoulders, did the neck, started the first sleeve.  It's like the stars lining up: I'm on the first sleeve of every project.  Sashiko project:  Nothing.  Ruffle skirt:  Nothing.  Purple Romper:  Nothing. 

In progress - January 2025

  Wind/Water/Salt  Chapters 39-51:   nothing.   Persephone  (probably not its real name): nothing.  Short Stories:  While reading reviews in Locus, I realized how to fix the lack of personality in the MC of the story I was working on, which is weird, because the solution had nothing to do with the reviews I was reading.  Critted  4  Got back  0 Submissions  0  Out there   0   Rejects   0 Knitting Hamilton  (Self). Started the month with a sleeve that was about 6 inches long, and of course the body to the armholes. Ended the month with maybe 30 more rows to be done with that first sleeve..  Sulaire  (Alice Starmore). Started the month with five inches of body plus peplum. I got to the armholes and did the right and left backs and continued the front.   Willow (Joan Ho). Felt like starting something and this was next up. I got the book (Cable Knit Style) for Christmas and have 3 g...

What I read: January 2025

 LHC #282: "Nona the Ninth" by Tamsyn Muir. Audio book. I love these so much. That said, I spent far too much time on the Locked Tomb wiki trying to figure out what was going on.  LHC #283: "The edge of the plain : how borders make and break our world" by James Crawford. Hard copy, and sadly not because I'm trying to read less books on Overdrive and more in hard copy, but because it's the only format they had available. This book was what I wanted it to be. A rare case where I actually remember where I heard about it: it was  Marissa Lingen .  At first it struck me as odd that this book about borders has no maps. I googled. It was no problem. Which led me to believe this was a choice, probably kept production costs down, and also I can get better maps on line with more detail and higher resolution than they could print anyway.  LHC #284: "The Monsters we Defy" by Leslye Penelope. Hard copy for the same reason as above. It's a heist set in 1920...

What I read: December 2024

LHC #279: "Infomocracy" by Malka Older. I'd been waiting for this one on Overdrive, and then it popped available just as I'd started "No Gods for Drowning", but I accepted it and didn't start it. Then I had a several-hours drive and the audio book was available so I took that too. So I started with the audio book and listened to about 4 hours. I was somewhat confused. I started with hearing the word sentinel, when actually they were saying centenal and didn't realize for a couple of hours. Sometimes I couldn't really tell when it was the character speaking and when it was narration or exposition or whatever. The head-hopping didn't really help either. When I got home from the drive I listened and watched the words a little bit at the same time and things started making more sense.  One of the characters has "Narrative disorder" which I was pretty sure was made up, so I googled. Unfortunately the google AI gave me a fine description ...

In progress: December 2024

Wind/Water/Salt  Chapters 39-51:   Nothing.  Persephone  (probably not its real name): I think I figured out the ending.  Short Stories: Wrote a new one, on paper. Typed it up. Edited it some. Probably made it worse.  Critted  4  Got back  0 Submissions  0  Out there   0   Rejects   0 Knitting Blushing Cloud  (Knitty S/S24). Started the month with 14 inches of back done. I finished that, cast off the back, seamed the sleeves, and started the edging. I knew I was going to run out of yarn so at that point I just switched from green to pink. It's finished now.  Hamilton  (Self). Started the month having just started the first sleeve. Now that sleeve is 6 inches long.  Seamless seam socks  (Knitpicks Pop Socks). Started the month almost done with the second.  Finished that one, started the next. This is the second pair, the last pair for Christmas. And they are done. Maybe I'll knit some soc...

What I read: November 2024

LHC #275: "The Only Good Indians" by Steven Graham Jones. eBook. Loved it. There's another book by him on my list, and I'm not sad about it. The character development was beautiful. I think horror might be good at that! Highly recommended.  LHC #276: "The collected novellas of Stefan Zweig". eBook. Another one that I have no idea how it ended up on my list; clearly recommended by someone. The library Holds tool really needs a notes field, where I'm sure I would faithfully note "recommended by: " or some such thing. Anyway. I'm almost tempted to describe this as horror. At least for me. The character development was very rich. Not my thing maybe. So patriarchal.  "Build : an unorthodox guide to making things worth making" by Tony Fadell. This was my office book club's Autumn selection. I got it from the library in hard copy because it would be faster than waiting. Also, I feel like I might be serving the library better getting...