LHC #286: "The Best of R. A. Lafferty". Hard copy, because there are only two copies in the system and no e-copies, and I don't want the thing to happen anymore where I have books on my list that I never get to read because the one copy in circulation disappears. Short stories, and as such some worked better for me than others. Stylistically very different than what I'm used to. LHC #287: "The Dervish House" by Ian McDonald. Hard copy for the same reason as above. Challenging, worth the effort. I kept feeling like other things I've read are in conversation with this, and I never knew what the conversation was about until now. LHC #288: "My Heart is a Chainsaw" by Stephen Graham Jones. eBook. I was nervous because I haven't seen that many horror movies, but that turned out not to be an issue. There were two characters, Holmes and Hardy, and one scene they were both in where I didn't notice that the second one was there for like s...
Wind/Water/Salt Chapters 39-51: Nothing. Persephone (probably not its real name): Nothing. Short Stories: Finished a story, posted it on the workshop. Pulled another one out of the backlog. Critted 4 Got back 3 Submissions 0 Out there 0 Rejects 0 Knitting Hamilton (Self). Started the month with maybe 30 more rows to be done with that first sleeve. I will always be knitting this sleeve. Sulaire (Alice Starmore). Started the month with 10cm done of the front. Finished that, now I'm on the first sleeve. Willow (Joan Ho). Started the month almost to the armholes. Finished the back and front, did the shoulders, did the neck, started the first sleeve. It's like the stars lining up: I'm on the first sleeve of every project. Sashiko project: Nothing. Ruffle skirt: Nothing. Purple Romper: Nothing.